Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sweet and Sour Meatballs
These are great because they are a quick microwave dinner. What did everyone think this month? Mom, you got all the extra pineapple, was it too much?


The Reese's said...

We had these about a week ago. Tasty Tasty! as always!
We had Extra Meatballs left over and I used them in the Spagetti! They were wonderful with it!

Marcy said...

Good again! We had some left over meatballs this time too. I didn't mix them in the sauce this time and I think that helps them go farther!

Christy said...

This was good, as usual. I think we should go back to the amount of meatballs we had before. I too had extra this time and I prefer mine more saucy.