Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nicole's Speghetti
Made the same as last time. Hope you enjoy!


d&jreesefamily said...

We had the speghetti for the first time tonight. Dad was very skeptical because of the onions & green peppers he could see - but he thought it tasted just fine. I thought it was good! MOM

The Reese's said...

I loved this spagetti! My dad has a really very ellaborate recipe, and i actually liked this better than his! It was just spicy enough where i still had the feeling in my tastebuds afterward! YUM!

Marcy said...

This didn't seem to go as far as last time. Did we have the same amounts? It must be that Arron was cooking that night and this is ALL that we had (I usually serve it with a veggie or salad and bread).